Grade 7, Science Olympiad (CBSE) - Bases and it's uses 

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Grade 7  |   Science  |   Bases and it's uses, Acids, bases and salts, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad

Some substances are soapy in texture and bitter in taste and are called bases like baking soda, washing soda, caustic soda etc. Bases are chemically basic in nature. 
Bases also occur in plant and animal bodies such as corn starch, fresh egg white etc.

There are two types of bases on the basis of their solubility.

1. Strong bases- These are readily soluble in water and are also  called alkalies. For ex- Potassium hydroxide, Sodium hydroxide, etc 

Weak bases- Such bases are not readily soluble in water and are called weak bases. For ex- Ammonium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide etc.

Uses of bases

1. Fire extinguishers contain sodium carbonate along with sulphuric acid to control fire.

2. Ammonium hydroxide is used in household cleaners and fertilizers.

3. Aluminium hydroxide is the foaming agent used in fire extinguishers.

4. Calcium hydroxide is used as an ingredients in whitewash , making of bleaching powder and in softening of hard water.

5. Milk of magnesia which is commonly used as an antacid is a base - Magnesium hydroxide.

 Bases present in commonly used substances

Name of the base         Found in

Calcium hydroxideLime water
Ammonium hydroxideWindow cleaner
Sodium hydroxideSoap
Potassium hydroxideSoap

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