Grade 3, Maths Olympiad (CBSE) - Number name 

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Grade 3  |   Maths  |   Number name, Number System, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad

Number names

  • Number name is the name of the number. e.g. 1 - One, 2- Two, 20 - Twenty, 250 - Two hundred fifty etc.
  • To name a number first we have to expand that number.

    E.g. To get the name of 435 we write the expanded form of 435.

    435 = 400 + 30 + 5 = four hundered + thirty + five.
    So name of 435 is four hundred thirty five.


Places in a number have different names. E.g. if we want to name 3764891

Ten Lakh or Million Lakh or Hundred Thousand Ten Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Unit
 3  7  6  4  8 9 1
 Three million or thirty lakh  Seven lakh or seven hundred thousands  Sixty thousand  Four Thousand  Eight Hundred  Ninety  One

So name of 3764891 is Thirty Seven Lakh Sixty Four Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety One.

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