NSO Grade 4 Syllabus and Exam Dates 

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SOF's NSO for grade 4 is a renowned Science Olympiad. It is conducted in two levels. Only top 5% students from level 1 qualify for level 2. 

Exam date: Click here to check exams dates

Syllabus and pattern for NSO grade 4 exam:

Total number of questions: 35

Total marks: 40

Reasoning Syllabus: Patterns, Alphabet Test, Coding-Decoding, Mirror Images, Embedded Figures, Geometrical Shapes and Solids, Ranking Test, Direction Sense Test, Days and Dates & Possible Combinations, Analogy and Classification.

Science Syllabus: Plants, Animals, Food and Digestion, Clothing, Matter and Materials, Force, Work and Energy, Our Environment, Earth and Universe.

Pattern: There are 35 questions. First 5 questions are of logical reasoning and rest are of Science. Each question carries 1 mark except for the last 5 questions. Last 5 questions are achiever's section questions and carry 2 marks each. 

Olympiad Genius provides grade 4 NSO sample papers based on last year pattern and exhaustive topic-wise question bank for securing top international ranks in NSO and other Science Olympiads.

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