How to prepare for IEO level 2? 

International English or IEO is a reputed English Olympiad conducted by science olympiad foundation. The exam is conducted in 2 stages. Only top 5 percent students go to the second level. 

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Few quick tips that can help you crack the second level of IEO:

Know your syllabus: As this is the final level you cannot leave any topic. Go through entire syllabus and identify resources to study the various topics of IEO. 

As the second level for IEO is being conducted for the first time understanding the pattern for the first level is the key to success.

Olympiad Genius provides exhaustive and very focused online preparation material for IEO level 2.

Start your preparation well in advance: As first level results are announced very late, qualifying students are left with very few days to prepare for the second level. If you have done really well in IEO level 1 and hoping to clear level 1, we suggest you should start with your level 2 preparations straight away.

Identify study material and resources: Get your study material ready beforehand. Don't waste your crucial time in searching for study material at the last moment.


Olympiad Genius provides IEO level 2 question papers based on patterns of previous years.


Plan and Execute: Prepare a timetable. Follow it strictly. Practice all sorts of questions. Work on your weak areas.

Continuous effort: Achieving success in IEO is not a one or two days affair. It requires lots of hard work and patience. If you don't see success in the beginning, just don't give up. Keep pushing yourself. Soon you will start seeing the results.

Regular Practice: Grammar requires lots of practice and you have to understand exceptional usages of grammar. You will understand the concepts only if you practice hard and cover each an every aspect of the topic. It will bring confidence and ability to attempt any question in English.

Take proper sleep before exam: Calm, composed and relaxed mind is a necessity for understanding tricky English questions. Do not over exert yourself before exams. Take proper sleep in the night before the exam.

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