Grade 5, Maths Olympiad (CBSE) - Division 

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Grade 5  |   Maths  |   Division, Computation Operations, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad


Division means dividing a given quantity into equal parts or groups.


If you have 20 marbles and you want to distribute them among your 4 friends equally then you should divide the marbles into 4 parts. Each friend will get 5 marbles.

The quantity or number to be divided is called dividend. 20 is the dividend in above example.

The number which divides is called divisor, basically, the number which is used for grouping. 4 is the divisor in above example.

The answer which you get after dividing is called quotient.


Remainder: Tne amount which is left after dividing the quantity equally among specified groups is called remainder.

E.g. If you had 22 marbles instead of 20 marbles in the previous example then after dividing 22 into 4 equal parts you would have left with 2 marbles. As 2 marbles cannot be divided further among 4 people, it is counted as remainder.

Things to remember:

1. Zero divided by anything is zero. 

If we distribute zero fruits among 5 people then each will get zero fruit only.


2. Anything divided by zero gives a very very big number which we refer as infinity.


3. All even numbers are completely divisible by 2. 

Completely divisible means no remainder is left after the division.

4. If there is 0 or 5 at the last and number is greater than or equal to 5, then that number is completely divisible by 5.

5. If there is 0 at the last and the number is greater than or equal to 10, then that number is completely divisible by 10.



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